Testing and Assessment

Refine your Knowledge!

It is a universally agreed fact that feedback is crucial in assessing a learner’s understanding of a subject. It is the most powerful single influence that makes a difference to a learner’s intellectual achievements. From a teacher’s point of view, an assessment is ‘What he/she wants students to know and to be able to do’, which is very different from classroom teaching that mainly focuses on correct answers or content. A broader view of assessment is to be developed in view of the fast changing learning culture.

Eduranet believes assessment is an integral part of a learner’s life cycle. Eduranet has coalesced different standard types of assessment modes to devise comprehensive processes to suit the needs and demands of the modern world of education. There are several types of reliable assessment procedures to be used to gauge a learner’s comprehension levels of a subject or content.

They are:

  • Performance Assessment (The ability of application of knowledge)
  • Writing Tests/examinations
  • Portfolio Assessment
  • Demonstration of knowledge

Each of the four types of reliable assessment has distinct attributes. It is desirable to use more than one type of testing when you are assessing something. The significant purpose of each of the different types of assessment is to test what is important to know, i.e., what knowledge learners are expected to gain and how they use it. The four assessment modes enable Eduranet to measure both the content of the curriculum (what) and the process (how) learners approach to solve problems. As such, the assessment process helps plan instructional techniques or methods.


It is imperative that learners (either students or employees) have adequate time to be assessed or take the assessment tests. The four types of assessments are detailed below:

1) Performance Assessment

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The ability of application of knowledge. This type of assessment refers to the learners’ ability to perform tasks by applying their knowledge and by demonstrating that they can use the knowledge in a meaningful problem-solving strategy. Experiments in science are a good example of this. While conducting 8th Intellectual Olympiad 2012-13 experiments, learners demonstrate their knowledge in a particular area and their ability to apply the scientific process. For example, analyzing data and drawing meaningful inferences. The ability to solve mathematical problems is another example of this type of assessment.

2) Writing Tests/examinations:

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Periodical tests or examinations are conducted to measure the learners’ knowledge of content in different disciplines. Giving assignments to learners is also a part of this type of assessment. Typically, learners are required to write tests/examinations on assigned topics in different types, i.e. either subjective or objective types. Writing assignments require thinking, problem-solving, composing and appropriate written expression.

3) Portfolio Assessment:

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Portfolio assessment is nothing but assessing the learners’ overall performance in a course over a period of time. It is like preparing a progress report of each learner. Portfolios, in fact, are purposefully collected examples of the learners’ work that portray their achievements, progress and endeavor. Both processes and products of learning are included in it. Portfolios may focus on one or more academic achievement. The learners’ self-evaluation is an important component of portfolio development. Portfolios exhibit children’s authentic work samples. They enable teachers and parents to understand the learners’ activities and their gradual development.

4) Demonstration of knowledge:

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Demonstration of knowledge is the last and not the least type of assessment. It requires learners to demonstrate that they have learned the content and skills required for the successful completion of a course or a training programme. It is like on-the-job-training programme or internship. The purpose behind this type of assessment is to encourage learners to demonstrate mastery by addressing significant challenges that require interdisciplinary analysis. The science fair conducted by students is a good example of this type of assessment. Another example is viva voce, in which learners answer essential questions within a discipline. This type of assessment enables learners (either students or employees) to apply a wide range of analytical skills in solving complex real-world problems. Eduranet’s mission is to measure the learners’ performance from different angles and guide them in their future pursuit of knowledge and skills. Eduranet’s honest advice to the learners of its courses is “MEASURE UP TO THE EXPECTATIONS.