Teacher Training Programme

Eduranet has launched Knowledge & Skill Development Programme to assess and guide to enhance the students’ Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (L-S-R-W) skills. Eduranet Knowledge & Skill Development programme has been devised with 24 activities which are is a unique platform for promising LEADERS, ORATORS, DEBATERS, NARRATORS, DEMONSTRATORS/ PRESENTERS AND SPELLERS to showcase their hidden talent and nurture their intrinsic ability on real-life situations, thereby contributing towards their productivity.

I. Writing Activities

# Name of the Activity Description Mode Duration
9 Creative Writing Test Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature. Classroom 5 Periods
10 Essay Writing Test A formal essay is a piece of writing that informs or persuades its audience. There are other kinds of essays. For example, the narrative essay relays a story with a moral or lesson. ... Classroom 5 Periods

II. Speaking Skills

# Name of the Activity Description Mode Duration
11 Public Speaking How best you can able to deliver/convey a message to the mass public. This will be depends on different situations and different positions. The students must focus on the public response. Classroom 5 Periods
12 Group Discussion Discussion on given topic provides us better understanding. Group of students has to discuss on selected topic. Every participant gets an opportunity to speak and suggest others. Classroom 5 Periods
3 Debate To know how confidently one can stand on their point either for or against. A group of students has to debate on for or against on selected topic and show the evidences and reasons. Online 5 Periods
14 Extempore Expressing your views about a topic just in a minute. The students will be asked to preform their views on an unseen topics. Every student will be asked three different topics. Online 5 Periods
15 Elocution How eloquently, you describe about a topic from the list of topics which will be given to you in advance. The student can select any 5 topics among five the jury will ask you to perform any one. Classroom 5 Periods
16 Role Play We have to play a different roles in our daily life. The talent of a person will explore when they play others role. This is two way communication where every students will be tested their skills and attitude. Classroom 5 Periods
17 Visual Presentation Visual aids helps us to describe a topic with more comprehensively. The students has to make a PowerPoint presentation and use that to explain about a realtime situation. Classroom 5 Periods
8 Salesmanship Selling a product and services will generate revenue. Every person must have salesmanship skills to convince the customers. This competitions gives a platform to explore the students skills. Classroom 5 Periods
9 Story Telling It is an exceptional skill of a student to narrate a story to a group of audiences. The students can come with preparation of any three stories in which they will be asked to perform on any one. Classroom 5 Periods
10 Poem Recitation Poetry recitation is literary work where ideas and feelings, accentuated with the use of distinctive style and rhythm is delivered through a public speaking activity with a focus on rhythm, alliteration some repetitions. Classroom 5 Periods

III. Quizzing Skills

# Name of the Activity Description Mode Duration
21 Maths Quiz Mathematics/Quiz. ... As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score. Classroom 5 Periods
22 G.K. Quiz General knowledge is something that really helps us to grow both on personal as well as academic level. It narrows our sense of perceiving the world, understands, and analyzes the situations better as one would without proper knowledge. Classroom 5 Periods
23 Spell Bee A spelling bee is a competition in which children try to spell words correctly. Anyone who makes a mistake is out and the competition continues until only one person is left. Online 5 Periods

IV. Demonstrating Skills

# Name of the Activity Description Mode Duration
24. Science Project Demonstration A scientic demonstration is a scientic experiment carried out for the purposes of demonstrating scientic principles, rather than for hypothesis testing or knowledge gathering (although they may originally have been carried out for these purposes). Classroom 5 Periods
Sub Heading

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